Another servicing win for Link Finanziaria
13 July 2020
Link Finanziaria is very pleased to have won another servicing mandate! This time for a portfolio of 4,500 loans with a GBV of c. €56M from a primary Italian consumer finance provider.
Hot on the heels of the 3 servicing wins announced last month, this brings the total number of new mandates secured by Link Finanziaria this fiscal year to 7, which is excellent progress for the team.
Luca Adinolfi, Director said: “We’re really excited by these new business wins which further strengthen Link FInanziaria’s position in the Italian credit management industry. These successes are testament to the hard work and excellence of the Link Finanziaria team, and we look forward to further growth”.
Link Financial Outsourcing wins Customer Engagement Award
14 January 2021
Link Financial Outsourcing wins the “Customer Engagement” award at the Welsh Contact Centre Forum Awards.
Link Financial Outsourcing services AskIf’s CBILS program
20 April 2020
Link Financial Outsourcing are very proud to be working with Ask Inclusive Finance (AskIf) and servicing their Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) program.